How to Use Power Phrases

(Grace) #1

When my concept of PowerPhrases was embryonic, one person
knew I had an important idea. Bill Cowles of SkillPath Semi-
nars was, and remains, a source of inspiration. I figured he
couldn’t be wrong, so I proceeded to prove him right!
In addition to Bill, I must thank the thousands of people
who have attended my seminars and those who receive my
weekly newsletter ( The consistent
feedback I receive on how PowerPhrases work in real life pro-
vides me with insights I could not gain in any other way.
So many thanks to Bob, David, Cindi, Kjersti, Kim, Kris,
Bjarni, Harriet, and everyone who has shared in my excitement
each time I took a step closer to making PowerPhrases a house-
hold word.
An extra thank-you for Kris Perotsky at “A Second Pair of
Eyes” for her stellar proofreading.



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