How to Use Power Phrases

(Grace) #1


Secret #5: Protect the

Integrity of Your Words

PowerPhrases Mean

What You Say

Carina had it with her coworker, Grace. She was so tired of lis-
tening to Grace complain about how overworked she was that
she decided to SpeakTall. She said,

Grace, I won’t listen to you complain about your work-
load anymore. I want you to bring those issues some-
where else.

How much power is there in Carina’s words? That depends
on Carina. Carina doesn’t need to convince Grace that she is
wrong to complain about her workload for Carina’s words to be
powerful. Carina doesn’t need to convince Grace that she is right
to sto plistening. What she does need to do is to refuse to listen
the next time Grace starts to complain about her workload to
her. If Carina says she won’t listen, she needs to mean it.

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