Data Analysis with Microsoft Excel: Updated for Office 2007

(Tuis.) #1
Chapter 3 Working with Charts 91

c. Click the Edit button within the dialog box, and then select
a different data range for the Series X values and the Series
Y values and the Series name.
If you don’t want to manually edit your scatter plot this way,
you can also create scatter plots using StatPlus. Simply click the
StatPlus menu, click Single Variable Charts, and then click Fast
Scatterplot. From the dialog box that appears, you can select the
x axis and y axis values without regard to their column order.
Excel supports fi ve built-in scatter plots, allowing the user to
connect the scatter plot points with straight or smoothed lines.

Editing a Chart

Using Excel’s editing tools, you can modify the symbols, fonts, colors, and
borders used in your chart. You can change the scale of the horizontal and
vertical axes and insert additional data into the chart. To start, you’ll edit the
size and location of the embedded chart object you just created with Excel.

Resizing and Moving an Embedded Chart

Newly created charts are inserted as embedded objects with selection han-
dles around the chart. When a chart is selected, you can move and resize it
on the worksheet. The chart you’ve just created covers some of the data on
the Grad Percents worksheet. Move it to a different location.

To move the embedded chart:

1 Click an empty area within the embedded chart, either above or to
the right of the chart area, and hold down the mouse button. As you

press the mouse button down, the pointer changes to a.
Note: If you click the title or other chart element, that element will
have a selection border around it. If this happens, click elsewhere
within the chart, holding down the mouse button. You don’t want to
select individual chart elements yet.
2 With the mouse button still pressed down, move the chart down so
that the upper-left corner of the chart covers cell B14 and release the
mouse button (see Figure 3-8.)

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