Data Analysis with Microsoft Excel: Updated for Office 2007

(Tuis.) #1

124 Excel

c. Break the scatter plot points into
two categories on the basis of gen-
der. Does the plot suggest that male
salaries tend to be higher than female
salaries for comparable years of
d. Examine the list of other variables
in the workbook. Are there other
variables in that list which should be
taken into account before coming to
a conclusion about the relationship
between gender and salary?
e. Save your workbook and write
a report summarizing your

  1. Admission decisions to colleges
    are often partly based on ACT math
    scores and high school rank with the
    expectation that these scores are related
    to success in college. Is this always the
    case and is gender a factor? You’ve been
    provided with a data set to investigate
    this question. The data set contains
    columns for gender, high school rank
    (HS Rank), American College Testing
    Mathematics test score (ACT Math), and
    an algebra placement test score (Alg
    Place) from the fi rst week of class and
    the fi nal fi rst semester calculus grades
    (Calc) for a group of students [see Edge
    and Friedberg (1984)]. Graph the data to
    investigate what kind of relationships
    appear to exist between the variables.
    a. Open the Calculus workbook from
    the Chapter03 folder and save it as
    Calculus ACT Charts.
    b. Create a scatter plot, on a separate
    chart sheet, plotting Calc on the y axis
    and ACT Math on the x axis. Label
    the axis appropriately. How strong
    does the relationship between the
    ACT Math score and the fi rst semester
    calculus score appear to you?
    c. Break down the scatter plot by gender.
    Is there evidence of a difference in
    calculus scores based on gender?

d. Repeat steps a through c for a scatter
plot relating calculus grades to the
algebra placement test.
e. Save your workbook and then write
a report summarizing your fi ndings.

  1. You’ve been given a data set contain-
    ing the mass and volume measurements
    from eight chunks of aluminum as
    recorded in a high school chemistry lab.
    Graph and examine their fi ndings.
    a. Open the Aluminum workbook from
    the Chapter03 folder and save it as
    Aluminum Chart.
    b. Create a scatter plot with mass values
    on the y axis and volume values on
    the x axis. Add major gridlines for
    both the x axis and the y axis.
    c. Examine your chart. There should be
    a data value that appears out of place.
    Mark this point by changing the plot
    symbol used for that point to a differ-
    ent color from the rest of the points.
    d. Do the other points seem to form
    a nearly straight line? The ratio of
    mass to volume is supposed to be a
    constant (the density of aluminum),
    so the points should fall on a line
    through the origin. Draw the line,
    and estimate the slope (the ratio of
    the vertical change to the horizontal
    change) along the line. What is your
    estimate for the density of aluminum?
    e. Save your workbook and write a
    report summarizing your fi ndings.

  2. You’ve been asked to investigate the
    relationship between protein and carbo-
    hydrates in several brands of wheat cere-
    als and breads. Data taken from a trip to
    a local grocery store has been recorded
    and saved for you.
    a. Open the Wheat workbook from the
    Chapter03 folder and save it as Wheat
    b. Create a scatter plot with Protein on
    the y axis and Carbo on the x axis.

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