Data Analysis with Microsoft Excel: Updated for Office 2007

(Tuis.) #1

166 Fundamentals of Statistics

Concept Tutorials: Boxplots

The fi les available with this book contain several instructional workbooks.
The instructional workbooks provide interactive worksheets and macros to
allow you to explore various statistical concepts on your own. The fi rst of
these workbooks that you will examine concerns the box plot. Open this
workbook now.

To start the Boxplots instructional workbook:

1 Open the fi le Boxplots, located in the Explore folder.
The workbook opens to the Contents page, describing the workbook.
To the left side of the display area is a column of subject titles. You
can move between subject titles either by clicking an entry in the
column or by clicking the arrow icon located at the top of the page.
2 Click What is a boxplot? from the list of subject titles. The page
shown in Figure 4-25 appears.

Figure 4-25
from the

Boxplots are designed to display in a single chart several of the
important descriptive statistics, including the quartiles of the dis-
tribution as well as the minimum and the maximum. They will
also identify any moderate or extreme outliers (using the defi nition
supplied above).
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