Data Analysis with Microsoft Excel: Updated for Office 2007

(Tuis.) #1

172 Fundamentals of Statistics

The new sample values appear in the boxplot as moderate and extreme
outliers respectively. From the boxplot we can see that there is a large gap
between the moderate outlier and the largest standard value. Continue to
explore boxplots with the instructional workbook. Try different combina-
tions of values and different types of distributions.

When you’re fi nished with the Boxplots workbook:

1 Close the Boxplots workbook. You do not have to save any of your
2 Return to the Housing Statistics workbook in Excel.

Excel does not contain any commands to create boxplots, but you can cre-
ate one using StatPlus. The StatPlus command includes the added feature of
displaying a dotted line representing the average value for the distribution.
Try creating a boxplot comparing the NE sector from the Albuquerque data
to other homes in the sample.

outliers appear in
the boxplot

new data values

Figure 4-33
boxplot with
and extreme

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