Data Analysis with Microsoft Excel: Updated for Office 2007

(Tuis.) #1
Chapter 5 Probability Distributions 183


p to now, you’ve used tools such as frequency tables, descriptive
statistics, and scatter plots to describe and summarize the proper-
ties of your data. Now you’ll learn about probability, which pro-
vides the foundation for understanding and interpreting these statistics.
You’ll also be introduced to statistical inference, which uses summary
statistics to help you reach conclusions about your data.


Much of science and mathematics is concerned with prediction. Some of
these predictions can be made with great precision. Drop an object, and the
laws of physics can predict how long the object will take to fall. Mix two
chemicals, and the laws of chemistry can predict the properties of the re-
sulting mixture. Other predictions can be made only in a general way. Flip
a coin, and you can predict that either a head or a tail will result, but you
cannot predict which one. That doesn’t mean that you can’t say anything. If
you fl ip the coin many times, you’ll notice that roughly half the fl ips result
in heads and half result in tails.
Flipping a coin is an example of a random phenomenon, in which
individual outcomes are uncertain but follow a general pattern of
When we study random phenomena, our goal is to quantify that general
pattern of occurrences in order to make general predictions. How do we do
this? One way is through theory. We imagine an ideal coin with two sides:
a head and a tail. Because this is an ideal coin, we assume that each side
is equally likely to occur during our coin fl ip. From this, we can defi ne the
theoretical probability for equally likely events:

Theoretical probability 5

Number of possible ways of obtaining the event
Total number of possible outcomes
In the coin-tossing example, there is one way to obtain a head and there
are two possible outcomes, so the theoretical probability of obtaining a head
is 1/2, or .5.
Another way of quantifying random phenomena is through observation.
For example to determine the probability of obtaining a head, we repeatedly
toss the coin. From our observations, we calculate the relative frequency of
tosses that result in heads, where

Relative frequency 5

Number of times an event occurs
Number of replications
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