Data Analysis with Microsoft Excel: Updated for Office 2007

(Tuis.) #1
Chapter 5 Probability Distributions 187

The probability associated with a range of values is equal to the area un-
der the PDF curve. Note that unlike discrete distributions, we can’t assign a
probability to a specifi c value in a continuous distribution. The probability
of any specifi c value is zero because its area under the curve is zero (it has
a positive height, but zero width). The total area under any PDF curve must
be equal to 1 because the total probability must be 1.



To see the relationship between probability and the area under the PDF
curve, open the instructional workbook named Probability.

To open the Probability workbook:

1 Open the fi le Probability, located in the Explore folder.
The workbook opens to the Contents page, describing the nature of
the workbook.
2 You can move through the sheets in the workbook, reviewing the
material on probability discussed so far in this chapter.
3 Click Explore a PDF from the Table of Contents column.
The sheet displays the curve shown in Figure 5-4.

Figure 5-3
A sample

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