Data Analysis with Microsoft Excel: Updated for Office 2007

(Tuis.) #1
Chapter 5 Probability Distributions 193

Figure 5-8 compares the distribution of the random sample after
50 shots and after 500 shots. Note that the larger sample size more
closely follows the underlying probability distribution.

Figure 5-8
after 50
and 500

sample size = 50 sample size = 500

3 Try generating some more random samples of various sample sizes.
When you are fi nished, close the Random Samples workbook.

The Normal Distribution

In the Exploring Random Samples workbook, you worked with a distribu-
tion in the form of a bell-shaped curve, called the normal distribution. This
common probability distribution is probably the most important distribu-
tion in statistics. There are many real-world examples of normally distrib-
uted data, and normally distributed data are assumed in many statistical
tests (for reasons you’ll understand shortly). The probability density func-
tion for the normal distribution is
Normal Probability Density Function

f^1 y^25


s" 2 p

e^21 y2m^2

(^2) / 2 s 2
s.0, 2,m,, 2,y,
The normal distribution has two parameters, m (pronounced “mu”) and s
(pronounced “sigma”). The m parameter indicates the center, or mean, of the
distribution. The s parameter measures the standard deviation, or spread, of the
distribution. To see how these parameters affect the distribution’s location and
shape, you can work with the instructional workbook named Distributions.

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