Data Analysis with Microsoft Excel: Updated for Office 2007

(Tuis.) #1

198 Fundamentals of Statistics

2 Click Create Data from the StatPlus menu and then click Random
The Random Numbers command presents a dialog box from which
you can create random samples from a large variety of distributions.
In this case you’ll choose the normal distribution.
3 Click Normal from the Type of Distribution list box.
4 Type 1 in the Number of Samples to Generate box.
5 Type 100 in the Size of Each Sample box.
6 Type 100 in the Mean box.
7 Type 25 in the Standard Deviation box.
8 Click the Output button, click the Cell option button, and select
cell A2 as your output destination. Click the OK button to close the
Output Options dialog box.
Figure 5-12 shows the completed Create Random Numbers dialog box.

Figure 5-12
The Create
dialog box

9 Click the OK button.

Excel generates a random sample of 100 observations following a normal
distribution with mean 100 and standard deviation 25. See Figure 5-13.
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