Data Analysis with Microsoft Excel: Updated for Office 2007

(Tuis.) #1

200 Fundamentals of Statistics

To create a histogram of the random sample:

1 Click Single Variable Charts from the StatPlus menu and then click
2 Click the Data Values button, click the Use Range References
option button, and select the range A1:A101. Click the OK button.
3 Click the Normal curve checkbox.
4 Click the Output button and type Normal Histogram in the As a
New Chart Sheet box to send the chart to a new chart sheet. Click
the OK button.
Figure 5-14 shows the histogram of the randomly generated values
from the normal distribution

Figure 5-14
of the 100

The histogram does not follow the normal curve exactly, but as you saw
earlier, if you increase the size of the random sample, the distribution of the
sample values approaches the underlying probability distribution. A sample
size of 100 is perhaps still too small. Because you generated these values,
you already know that the data are normally distributed, but suppose you
observed these values in an experiment or study. Would the chart shown
in Figure 5-14 convince you that you’re working with normal data? It’s not
always easy to tell from a histogram whether your data are normal, so statis-
ticians have developed some procedures to check for normality.
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