Data Analysis with Microsoft Excel: Updated for Office 2007

(Tuis.) #1

202 Fundamentals of Statistics

The points follow a general straight line trend fairly well, but with
some departures at the left end of the scale. If the sample size were
larger it might follow the line even more closely.
5 Close your workbook. You do not have to save any of the random
data or plots you created.

Let’s apply this technique to some real data. The Baseball workbook from
the Chapter05 data folder contains information about baseball player salaries
and batting averages. Do the batting averages follow a normal distribution?
Let’s fi nd out. We’ll start by creating a histogram of the batting average data.

To create a histogram of the batting average data:

1 Open the Baseball workbook located on the companion website.
2 Save the workbook as Baseball Batting Averages
3 Click Single Variable Charts from the StatPlus menu and then click
4 Click the Data Values button, select AV G from the list of range
names, and click OK.

Figure 5-15
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