218 Fundamentals of Statistics
- Explore the following statistical concepts:
a. Defi ne the term random variable.
b. How is a random variable different
from an observation?
c. What is the distinction between x
and m?
- A sample of the top 50 women-owned
businesses in Wisconsin is undertaken.
Does this constitute a random sample?
Explain your reasoning. Can you make
any inferences about women-owned
businesses on the basis of this sample?
- The administration counts the number
of low-birth-weight babies born each
week in a particular hospital. Assume,
for the sake of simplicity, that the rate of
low-birth-weight births is constant from
week to week.
a. Of the distributions that we have
studied, which one is applicable
b. If the average number of low-
birth-weight babies is 5, what is the
probability that no low-birth-weight
babies will be born in a single week?
c. The administration counts the low-
birth- weight babies every week and
then calculates the average count for
the entire year. What is the approxi-
mate distribution of the average? - The results of fl ipping a coin follow a
probability distribution called the
Bernoulli distribution. A Bernoulli dis-
tribution has two possible outcomes,
which we’ll designate with the numeric
values 0 and 1. The probability function
for the Bernoulli distribution is
Bernoulli Distribution
P^1 Y 5125 p, P^1 Y 502512 p 0 ,p, 1
where p is between 0 and 1. For exam-
ple, if we tossed an unbiased coin and
indicated the value of a head with 1 and
a tail with 0, the value of p would be .5
since it is equally likely to have either a
head or tail.
The mean value of the Bernoulli distri-
bution is p. The standard deviation
is !p^112 p^2. In the fl ipping coin
example, the mean value is equal
to 0.5 and the standard deviation is
!0.5^112 0.5^25 0.5.
a. You toss a die, recording a 1 for the
values 1 through 3, and a 0 for values
4 through 6. What is the mean value?
What is the standard deviation?
b. You toss a die, recording a 1 for a
value of 1 or 2, and a 0 for the values
3, 4, 5, and 6. What is the mean value?
What is the standard deviation?
c. You toss a die, recording a 1 for a value
of 1, and a 0 for all other values. What
is the mean value? What is the stan-
dard deviation?
- If you fl ip 10 coins, what is the probabil-
ity of getting exactly 5 heads? To answer
this question, you have to refer to the
Binomial distribution, which is the dis-
tribution of repeated trials of a Bernoulli
random variable. The probability func-
tion for the Binomial distribution is
Binomial Distribution
P^1 Y 5 y^25 a
bpy^112 p^2 n^2 y y 5 0,1,2,c, n
where a
b 5
y!^1 n 2 y^2!