Data Analysis with Microsoft Excel: Updated for Office 2007

(Tuis.) #1

18 Excel

Printing from Excel

It would be useful for the chief of interpretation at Kenai Fjords National
Park to have a hard copy of some of the worksheets and charts in the Park
workbook. To do this, you can print out selected portions of the workbook.

Previewing the Print Job

Before sending a job to the printer, it’s usually a good idea to preview the
output. With Excel’s Print Preview window, you can view your job before
it’s printed, as well as set up the page margins, orientation, and headers and
footers. Try this now with the Total Usage worksheet.

To preview a print job:

1 Verify that Total Usage is still the active worksheet.
2 Click the Offi ce button, then click Print, and then click Print Preview.
The Print Preview opens as displayed in Figure 1-13.

Zoom controls to increase/decrease the
magnification of the previewed document

Figure 1-13
The Print

Print Preview
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