Data Analysis with Microsoft Excel: Updated for Office 2007

(Tuis.) #1
Chapter 7 Tables 311

  1. The data in the Marriage workbook
    contain information on the heights of
    newly married couples. The study is
    designed to test whether people tend
    to choose marriage partners similar in
    height to themselves.
    a. State the null and alternative hypoth-
    eses of this study.
    b. Open the Marriage workbook from
    the Chapter07 folder and save it as
    Marriage Analysis.
    c. Analyze the data in the marriage
    table. What test statistics are appro-
    priate to use with these data? Do you
    accept or reject the null hypothesis?
    d. Save your changes to the workbook,
    write a report summarizing your re-
    sults, and print the relevant statistics
    supporting your conclusion.

  2. The Gender Poll workbook contains
    polling data on how males and females
    respond to various social and political
    issues. Each worksheet in the workbook
    contains a table showing the responses
    to a particular question.
    a. Open the Gender Poll workbook from
    the Chapter07 folder and save it as
    Gender Poll Statistics.
    b. On each worksheet, calculate the table
    statistics for the opinion poll table.
    c. For which questions is the gender of
    the respondent associated with the
    d. Save your changes to the workbook
    and write a report summarizing your
    results, speculating on the types of
    issues that men and women might
    agree or disagree on.

  3. The Race Poll workbook contains addi-
    tional polling data on how different races
    respond to social and political questions.
    a. Open the Race Poll workbook from
    the Chapter07 folder and save it as
    Race Poll Statistics.

b. On each worksheet, calculate the
table statistics for the opinion poll
table. Resolve any problem with
sparse data by combining the Black
and Other categories.
c. For which questions is the race of
the respondent associated with the
d. Save your changes to the workbook
and write a report summarizing your
results, and speculating on the types
of questions that blacks and mem-
bers of other races might agree or
disagree on.

  1. The Home Sales workbook contains
    historic data on home prices in Albu-
    querque (see Chapter 4 for a discussion
    of this workbook.)
    a. Open the Home Sales workbook from
    the Chapter07 folder and save it as
    Home Sales Statistics.
    b. Analyze the data to determine
    whether there is evidence that houses
    in the NE sector are more likely to
    have offers pending than houses out-
    side the NE sector.
    c. Save your changes to the workbook
    and write a report summarizing your

  2. The Montana workbook contains poll-
    ing data from a survey in 1992 about
    the fi nancial conditions in Montana.
    You’ve been asked to analyze what
    factors infl uence political affi liation in
    the state.
    a. Open the Montana workbook from
    the Chapter07 folder and save it as
    Montana Political Statistics.
    b. Create a PivotTable of Political Party
    versus Region (of the state). Remove
    any blank categories from the table.
    Is there evidence to suggest that dif-
    ferent regions have different political

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