Data Analysis with Microsoft Excel: Updated for Office 2007

(Tuis.) #1
Chapter 10 Analysis of Variance 427

can you explain it? As a hint, con-
sider that the college is in Vermont,
which has a small population. Why is
that relevant here?
c. Perform a one-way analysis of vari-
ance to compare tiers. Are there sig-
nifi cant differences among tiers in the
percentage of instate students?
d. Create a matrix of paired mean dif-
ferences. Does the fi rst tier have sig-
nifi cantly fewer instate students in
comparison to the other three tiers?
e. Redo the analysis in parts b and c but
this time do not include the outlier.
How does this affect the results?
f. Save your changes to the workbook and
write a report summarizing your results.

  1. The Infi eld workbook data set has statis-
    tics on 120 major league baseball infi eld-
    ers at the start of the 2007 season. The
    data include Salary, logSalary (the loga-
    rithm of salary), and Position.
    a. Open the Infi eld workbook and save
    it as Infi eld Salary ANOVA.
    b. Create multiple histograms and box-
    plots to see the distribution of Salary
    for each position. How would you de-
    scribe the shape of the distribution?
    c. Make the same plots for logSalary.
    How does the shape of the distribution
    change with the logarithm of the salary?
    d. Perform a one-way ANOVA of logSal-
    ary on Position to see whether there
    is any signifi cant difference of salary
    among positions.
    e. Save your changes to the workbook and
    write a report summarizing your results.

  2. The Infi eld workbook also contains the
    SLG variable, the slugging percentage of
    each infi eld player. Analyze the relation-
    ship between slugging percentage and
    a. Open the Infi eld workbook from the
    Chapter10 data folder and save it as
    Infi eld SLG ANOVA.

b. Create multiple histograms and box-
plots of the SLG variable against
Position. Describe the shape of the
distributions. Is there any reason to
doubt the validity of the ANOVA
c. Perform a one-way ANOVA of SLG
against Position.
d. Create a matrix of paired mean dif-
ferences to compare infi eld positions
(use the Bonferroni correction factor).
Which positions differ signifi cantly?
Can you explain why?
e. Save your changes to the workbook
and write a report summarizing your

  1. The Honda25 workbook contains the
    prices of used Hondas and indicates the
    age (in years) and whether the transmis-
    sion is 5 speed or automatic.
    a. Open the Honda25 workbook from
    the Chapter10 data folder and save it
    as Honda25 ANOVA.
    b. Perform a two-sample t test for the
    price data on the basis of the trans-
    mission type.
    c. Perform a one-way ANOVA with
    price as the dependent variable and
    transmission as the grouping variable.
    d. Compare the value of the t statistic
    in the t test to the value of the F ratio
    in the F test. Do you fi nd that the F
    ratios for ANOVA are the same as the
    squares of the t values from the t test
    and that the p values are the same?
    e. Use one-way ANOVA to compare the
    ages of the Hondas for the two types of
    transmissions. Does this explain why
    the difference in price is so large?
    f. Perform two regressions of price vs.
    age—the fi rst for automatic transmis-
    sions and the second for 5-speed
    transmissions. Compare the two lin-
    ear regression lines. Do they appear to
    be the same? What problems do you
    see with this approach?

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