Chapter 11 Times Series 441
The average of the values is 5, y 1 is 6, y 2 is 4, y 3 is 8, and so forth, through
yn, which is equal to 7. To fi nd the lag 1 autocorrelation, use the formula for r 1
so that
r 15
1425216252118252142521 c 11725210252
16252211425221 c 1172522
52 0.35
In the same way, the value for r 2 , the lag 2 ACF value, is
r 25
1825216252115252142521 c 11725215252
16252211425221 c 1172522
52 0.30
The values for r 1 and r 2 imply a negative correlation between the current
observation and its lag 1 and lag 2 values (that is, the previous two val-
ues). So a low value at one time point indicates high values for the next two
time points. Now that you’ve seen how to compute r 1 and r 2 , you should be
able to compute r 3 , the lag 3 autocorrelation. Your answer should be 0.275,
a positive correlation, indicating that values of this series are positively
correlated with observations three time points earlier.
Recall from earlier chapters that a constant variance is needed for statisti-
cal inference in simple regression and also for correlation. The same holds
true for the autocorrelation function. The ACF can be misleading for a series
with unstable variance, so it might fi rst be necessary to transform for a con-
stant variance before using the ACF.
Applying the ACF to Annual Mean Temperature
Now apply the ACF to the temperature data. You can use StatPlus to com-
pute and plot the autocorrelation values for you.
To compute the autocorrelation function for the annual mean
1 Click the Temperature sheet tab.
2 Click Time Series from the StatPlus menu and then click ACF Plot.
3 Click the Data Values button and select Fahrenheit from the range
names list. Click OK.
4 Enter 20 in the Calculate ACF up through lag spin box to calculate
the autocorrelations between the mean annual temperature values
and mean temperatures up to 20 years earlier.