Data Analysis with Microsoft Excel: Updated for Office 2007

(Tuis.) #1
Excel Reference 575

separate columns or within a single column alongside a column of category
levels. The output includes a matrix of p values with an option to adjust the
p value for the number of comparisons using the Bonferroni correction factor.

Time Series Analyses

ACF Plot

The StatPlus>Time Series>ACF Plot command creates a table of the autocorrela-
tion function and a chart of the autocorrelation function, for time series data ar-
ranged in a single column. The fi rst column in the output table contains the lag
values up to a number specifi ed by the user, the second column contains the auto
correlation, the third column of the table contains the lower 95% confi dence
boundary, and the fourth column contains the upper 95% confi dence boundary.
Autocorrelation values that lie outside the 95% confi dence interval are shown
in red. The chart shows the autocorrelations and the 95% confi dence width.
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