Data Analysis with Microsoft Excel: Updated for Office 2007

(Tuis.) #1

86 Excel

Introducing Scatter Plots

In this chapter, we’ll examine athletic graduation rates for a group of uni-
versities. The Big Ten workbook contains information on graduation rates
of student athletes (with athletic scholarships) who enrolled as freshmen at
Big Ten universities in 1997, 1998, 1999, and 2000. Each NCAA Division I
college or university is required to distribute this information to prospective
student-athletes and parents, so that potential recruits have a way of com-
paring the education environment between different universities. Table 3-3
describes the range names used in the workbook.

Table 3-3 Big Ten Graduation Rates

Range Name Range Description
University A2:A12 Name of the university
SAT B2:B12 Average SAT scores of all freshmen
ACT C2:C12 Average ACT scores of all freshmen
SAT_Calc D2:D12 SAT calculated from ACT based on a formula from
the College Board
Graduated E2:E12 Percentage of all freshmen graduating within 6 years
of enrolling.
White_Males F2:F12 Six-year graduation rates for white male athletes
Black_Males G2:G12 Six-year graduation rates for black male athletes
White_Females H2:H12 Six-year graduation rates for white female athletes
Black_Females I2:I12 Six-year graduation rates for black female athletes
Enrollment J2:J12 Total enrollment at the university
Top_25 K2:K12 Percentage of incoming students graduating in the top
25% of their high school class
Top_25_Rate L2:L12 Indicates whether more than 80% or less than 80% of
the incoming freshmen graduated in the upper quarter of
their class

To open the Big Ten workbook:

1 Start Excel and open the Big Ten workbook from the Chapter03
The workbook opens to a sheet displaying graduation data from the
11 universities in the Big Ten. See Figure 3-3. Range names based
on the column labels of each column have already been created for
you. There are some missing values in the worksheet, such as the
SAT value for the University of Iowa in row 4. However for univer-
sities that do not collect SATs, a calculated estimate of the SAT is
displayed in column E.
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