As an example, the four-element Abelian group that consists of the set{ 1 ,i,− 1 ,−i}
under ordinary multiplication has a two-dimensional representation based on the
column matrix( 1 i)T:
D(1) =
, D(i)=
0 − 1
D(−1) =
− 10
0 − 1
, D(−i)=
− 10
The reader should check thatD(i)D(−i)=D(1),D(i)D(i)=D(−1) etc., i.e. that
the matrices do have exactly the same multiplication properties as the elements
of the group. Having done so, the reader may also wonder why anybody would
bother with the representative matrices, when the original elements are so much
simpler to handle! As we will see later, once some general properties of matrix
representations have been established, the analysis of large groups, both Abelian
and non-Abelian, can be reduced to routine, almost cookbook, procedures.
Ann-dimensional representation ofGis a homomorphism ofGinto the set of
invertiblen×nmatrices (i.e.n×nmatrices that have inverses or, equivalently,
have non-zero determinants); this set is usually known as the general linear group
and denoted by GL(n). In general the same matrix may represent more than one
element ofG; if, however, all the matrices representing the elements ofGare
differentthen the representation is said to befaithful, and the homomorphism
becomes an isomorphism onto a subgroup of GL(n).
A trivial but important representation isD(X)=Infor all elementsXofG.
Clearly both of the defining relationships are satisfied, and there is no restriction
on the value ofn. However, such a representation is not a faithful one.
To sum up, in the context of a rotation–reflection group, the transposes of
the set ofn×nmatricesD(X)thatmakeuparepresentationDmay be thought
of as describing what happens to ann-component basis vector of coordinates,
(xy···)T, or of functions, (Ψ 1 Ψ 2 ···)T,theΨithemselves being functions
of coordinates, when the group operationXis carried out on each of the
coordinates or functions. For example, to return to the symmetry operations
on an equilateral triangle, the clockwise rotation by 2π/3,R, carries the three-
dimensional basis vector (xyz)Tinto the column matrix
−^12 x+
2 y
2 x−
2 y
whilst the two-dimensional basis vector of functions (r^23 z^2 −r^2 )Tis unaltered,
as neitherrnorzis changed by the rotation. The fact thatzis unchanged by
any of the operations of the group shows that the componentsx,y,zactually
divide (i.e. are ‘reducible’, to anticipate a more formal description) into two sets: