Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering : A Comprehensive Guide

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n^2 μ=g. (29.21)

This completes the proof.

As before, our standard demonstration group 3mprovides an illustration. In

this case we have seen already that there are two one-dimensional irreps and one

two-dimensional irrep. This is in accord with (29.21) since

12 +1^2 +2^2 =6, which is the ordergof the group.

Another straightforward application of the relation (29.21), to the group with

multiplication table 29.3(a), yields immediate results. Sinceg=3,noneofits

irreps can have dimension 2 or more, as 2^2 = 4 is too large for (29.21) to be

satisfied. Thus all irreps must be one-dimensional and there must be three of

them (consistent with the fact that each element is in a class of its own, and that

there are therefore three classes). The three irreps are the sets of 1×1 matrices


A 1 ={ 1 , 1 , 1 } A 2 ={ 1 ,ω,ω^2 } A∗ 2 ={ 1 ,ω^2 ,ω},

whereω=exp(2πi/3); since the matrices are 1×1, the same set of nine numbers

would be, of course, the entries in the character table for the irreps of the group.

The fact that the numbers in each irrep are all cube roots of unity is discussed

below. As will be noticed, two of these irreps are complex – an unusual occurrence

in most applications – and form a complex conjugate pair of one-dimensional

irreps. In practice, they function much as a two-dimensional irrep, but this is to

be ignored for formal purposes such as theorems.

A further property of characters can be derived from the fact that all elements

in a conjugacy class have the same order. Suppose that the elementXhas order

m,i.e.Xm=I. This implies for a representationDof dimensionnthat

[D(X)]m=In. (29.22)

Representations equivalent toDare generated as before by using similarity

transformations of the form

DQ(X)=Q−^1 D(X)Q.

In particular, if we choose the columns ofQto be the eigenvectors ofD(X) then,

as discussed in chapter 8,


λ 1 0 ··· 0

0 λ 2



. 0
0 ··· 0 λn

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