Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering : A Comprehensive Guide

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and differentiate it repeatedly with respect toα(see section 5.12). Thus, we obtain





y^2 exp(−αy^2 )dy=−^12 π^1 /^2 α−^3 /^2

d^2 I




y^4 exp(−αy^2 )dy=(^12 )(^32 )π^1 /^2 α−^5 /^2





y^2 nexp(−αy^2 )dy=(−1)n(^12 )(^32 )···(^12 (2n−1))π^1 /^2 α−(2n+1)/^2.

Settingα=1/(2σ^2 ) and substituting the above result into (30.55), we find (forkeven)

νk=(^12 )(^32 )···(^12 (k−1))(2σ^2 )k/^2 = (1)(3)···(k−1)σk.

One may also characterise a probability distributionf(x) using the closely

relatednormalisedand dimensionless central moments



ν 2 k/^2




From this set,γ 3 andγ 4 are more commonly called, respectively, theskewness

andkurtosisof the distribution. The skewnessγ 3 of a distribution is zero if it is

symmetrical about its mean. If the distribution is skewed to values ofxsmaller

than the mean thenγ 3 <0. Similarlyγ 3 >0 if the distribution is skewed to higher

values ofx.

From the above example, we see that the kurtosis of the Gaussian distribution

(subsection 30.9.1) is given by

γ 4 =

ν 4
ν 22


3 σ^4


It is therefore common practice to define theexcess kurtosisof a distribution

asγ 4 −3. A positive value of the excess kurtosis implies a relatively narrower

peak and wider wings than the Gaussian distribution with the same mean and

variance. A negative excess kurtosis implies a wider peak and shorter wings.

Finally, we note here that one can also describe a probability density function

f(x) in terms of itscumulants, which are again related to the central moments.

However, we defer the discussion of cumulants until subsection 30.7.4, since their

definition is most easily understood in terms of generating functions.

30.6 Functions of random variables

SupposeXis some random variable for which the probability density function

f(x) is known. In many cases, we are more interested in a related random variable

Y=Y(X), whereY(X) is some function ofX. What is the probability density

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