Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering : A Comprehensive Guide

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Find the complex conjugate of the complex numberz=w(3y+2ix),wherew=x+5i.

Although we do not discuss complex powers until section 3.5, the simple rule given above
still enables us to find the complex conjugate ofz.
In this casewitself contains real and imaginarycomponents and so must be written
out in full, i.e.

z=w^3 y+2ix=(x+5i)^3 y+2ix.

Now we can replace eachiby−ito obtain

z∗=(x− 5 i)(3y−^2 ix).

It can be shown that the productzz∗is real, as required.

The following properties of the complex conjugate are easily proved and others

may be derived from them. Ifz=x+iythen

(z∗)∗=z, (3.12)

z+z∗=2Rez=2x, (3.13)

z−z∗=2iImz=2iy, (3.14)


x^2 −y^2
x^2 +y^2


2 xy
x^2 +y^2


. (3.15)

The derivation of this last relation relies on the results of the following subsection.

3.2.5 Division

The division of two complex numbersz 1 andz 2 bears some similarity to their

multiplication. Writing the quotient in component form we obtain

z 1
z 2


x 1 +iy 1
x 2 +iy 2

. (3.16)

In order to separate the real and imaginary components of the quotient, we

multiply both numerator and denominator by the complex conjugate of the

denominator. By definition, this process will leave the denominator as a real

quantity. Equation (3.16) gives

z 1
z 2


(x 1 +iy 1 )(x 2 −iy 2 )
(x 2 +iy 2 )(x 2 −iy 2 )


(x 1 x 2 +y 1 y 2 )+i(x 2 y 1 −x 1 y 2 )
x^22 +y 22


x 1 x 2 +y 1 y 2
x^22 +y^22


x 2 y 1 −x 1 y 2
x^22 +y^22


Hence we have separated the quotient into real and imaginary components, as


In the special case wherez 2 =z∗ 1 ,sothatx 2 =x 1 andy 2 =−y 1 , the general

result reduces to (3.15).

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