aˆα(a) aˆβ(a)
α β
Figure 31.2 The sampling distributionP(aˆ|a)ofsomeestimatorˆafor a given
value ofa. The shaded regions indicate the two probabilities Pr(a<ˆ aˆα(a)) =α
and Pr(a>ˆ ˆaβ(a)) =β.
ofaˆbyP(aˆ|a). For any particular value ofa, one can determine the two values
aˆα(a)andaˆβ(a) such that
Pr(a<ˆ aˆα(a)) =
P(aˆ|a)dˆa=α, (31.25)
Pr(a>ˆ aˆβ(a)) =
P(ˆa|a)daˆ=β. (31.26)
This is illustrated in figure 31.2. Thus, for any particular value ofa, the probability
that the estimatoraˆlies within the limitsaˆα(a)andaˆβ(a) is given by
Pr(ˆaα(a)<a<ˆ aˆβ(a)) =
Now, let us suppose that from our samplex 1 ,x 2 ,...,xN, we actually obtain the
valueaˆobsfor our estimator. Ifˆais a good estimator ofathen we would expect
aˆα(a)andˆaβ(a) to be monotonically increasing functions ofa(i.e.ˆaαandaˆβboth
change in thesamesense asawhen the latter is varied). Assuming this to be the
case, we can uniquely define the two numbersa−anda+by the relationships
aˆα(a+)=aˆobs and aˆβ(a−)=ˆaobs.
From (31.25) and (31.26) it follows that
Pr(a+<a)=α and Pr(a−>a)=β,
which when taken together imply
Pr(a−<a<a+)=1−α−β. (31.27)
Thus, from our estimateaˆobs, we have determined two valuesa−anda+such that
this interval contains the true value ofawith probability 1−α−β. It should be
emphasised thata−anda+are random variables. If a large number of samples,