Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering : A Comprehensive Guide

(lu) #1


where in the last line we have used the fact that

i(xi−x ̄) = 0. Hence, for given values
ofμandσ, the sampling distribution is in fact a function only of the sample mean ̄xand
the standard deviations. Thus the sampling distribution of ̄xandsmust satisfy

P( ̄x, s|μ, σ)d ̄xds=(2πσ^2 )−N/^2 exp


N[( ̄x−μ)^2 +s^2 ]
2 σ^2


dV , (31.34)

wheredV=dx 1 dx 2 ···dxNis an element of volume in the sample space which yields
simultaneously values ofx ̄andsthat lie within the region bounded by [ ̄x, ̄x+dx ̄]and
[s, s+ds]. Thus our only remaining task is to expressdVin terms of ̄xandsand their
LetSbe the point in sample space representing the sample (x 1 ,x 2 ,...,xN). For given
values of ̄xands, we require the sample values to satisfy both the condition


xi=N ̄x,

which defines an (N−1)-dimensional hyperplane in the sample space, and the condition


(xi− ̄x)^2 =Ns^2 ,

which defines an (N−1)-dimensional hypersphere. ThusSis constrained to lie in the
intersection of these two hypersurfaces, which is itself an (N−2)-dimensional hypersphere.
Now, the volume of an (N−2)-dimensional hypersphere is proportional tosN−^1. It follows
that the volume√ dVbetween two concentric (N−2)-dimensional hyperspheres of radius

N(s+ds)andtwo(N−1)-dimensional hyperplanes corresponding to ̄xand
̄x+d ̄xis

dV=AsN−^2 ds d ̄x,

whereAis some constant. Thus, substituting this expression fordVinto (31.34), we find

P(x, s ̄ |μ, σ)=C 1 exp


N( ̄x−μ)^2
2 σ^2


C 2 sN−^2 exp


2 σ^2


=P( ̄x|μ, σ)P(s|σ),

whereC 1 andC 2 are constants. We have writtenP( ̄x, s|μ, σ) in this form to show that it
separates naturally into two parts, one depending only on ̄xand the other only ons. Thus,
̄xandsareindependentvariables. Separate normalisations of the two factors in (31.35)

C 1 =



2 πσ^2

) 1 / 2

and C 2 =2



2 σ^2

)(N−1)/ 2



( 1

2 (N−1)


where the calculation ofC 2 requires the use of the gamma function, discussed in the

Themarginalsampling distribution of any one of the estimatorsˆaiis given

simply by



P(aˆ|a)daˆ 1 ···daˆi− 1 dˆai+1···daˆM,

and the expectation valueE[aˆi] and varianceV[aˆi]ofaˆiare again given by (31.14)

and (31.16) respectively. By analogy with the one-dimensional case, the standard

errorσˆaion the estimatoraˆiis given by the positive square root ofV[aˆi]. With

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