The other possibility is thatλis an independent parameter and not a function
of the parametersa. In this case, the extended log-likelihood function is
lnP(xi|a), (31.89)
where we have omitted terms not depending onλora. Differentiating with
respect toλand setting the result equal to zero, we find that the ML estimate of
λis simply
By differentiating (31.89) with respect to the parametersaiand setting the results
equal to zero, we obtain the usual ML estimatesaˆiof their values. In this case,
however, the errors in our estimates will be larger, in general, than those in the
standard likelihood approach, since they must include the effect of statistical
uncertainty in the parameterλ.
31.6 The method of least squares
The method of least squares is, in fact, just a special case of the method of
maximum likelihood. Nevertheless, it is so widely used as a method of parameter
estimation that it has acquired a special name of its own. At the outset, let us
suppose that a data sample consists of a set of pairs (xi,yi),i=1, 2 ,...,N.For
example, these data might correspond to the temperatureyimeasured at various
pointsxialong some metal rod.
For the moment, we will suppose that thexiare known exactly, whereas there
exists a measurement error (ornoise)nion each of the valuesyi. Moreover, let
us assume that the true value ofyat any positionxis given by some function
y=f(x;a) that depends on theMunknown parametersa.Then
Our aim is to estimate the values of the parametersafrom the data sample.
Bearing in mind the central limit theorem, let us suppose that theniare drawn
from aGaussiandistribution with no systematic bias and hence zero mean. In the
most general case the measurement errorsnimightnotbe independent but be
described by anN-dimensional multivariate Gaussian with non-trivial covariance
matrixN, whose elementsNij=Cov[ni,nj] we assume to be known. Under these
assumptions it follows from (30.148), that the likelihood function is
(2π)N/^2 |N|^1 /^2
−^12 χ^2 (a)