Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering : A Comprehensive Guide

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Where the discussion of a topic runs over two consecutive pages, reference is made
only to the first of these. For discussions spread over three or more pages the first and
last page numbers are given; these references are usually to the major treatment of the
corresponding topic. Isolated refences to a topic, including those appearing on consecutive
pages, are listed individually. Some long topics are split, e.g. ‘Fourier transforms’ and
‘Fourier transforms, examples’. The letter ‘n’ after a page number indicates that the topic
is discussed in a footnote on the relevant page.

A, B, one-dimensional irreps, 1090, 1102, 1109
Abelian groups, 1044
absolute convergence of series, 124, 831
absolute derivative, 975–977
acceleration vector, 335
Adams method, 1024
Adams–Moulton–Bashforth, predictor-corrector
scheme, 1035
addition rule for probabilities, 1125, 1130
addition theorem for spherical harmonics
Ym(θ, φ), 594
adjoint,seeHermitian conjugate
adjoint operators, 559–564
adjustment of parameters, 795
Airy integrals, 890–894
Ai(z), 889
algebra of
complex numbers, 85
functions in a vector space, 556
matrices, 251
power series, 134
series, 131
tensors, 938–941
vectors, 213
in a vector space, 242
in component form, 218
algebraic equations, numerical methods for,see
numerical methods for algebraic equations
alternating group, 1116
alternating series test, 130
ammonia molecule, symmetries of, 1042

Amp`ere’s rule (law), 381, 408
amplitude modulation of radio waves, 444
amplitude-phase diagram, 914
analytic (regular) functions, 826
angle between two vectors, 221
angular frequency, 693n
in Fourier series, 419
angular momentum, 933, 949
and irreps, 1093
of particle system, 950–952
of particles, 338
of solid body, 396, 951
vector representation, 238
angular momentum operator
component, 658
total, 659
angular velocity, vector representation, 223, 238,
annihilation and creation operators, 667
anti-Hermitian matrices, 271
eigenvalues, 276–278
imaginary nature, 277
eigenvectors, 276–278
orthogonality, 277
anti-Stokes line, 905
anticommutativity of vector or cross product,
antisymmetric functions, 416
and Fourier series, 419
and Fourier transforms, 445
antisymmetric matrices, 270
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