Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering : A Comprehensive Guide

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consistency, of estimator, 1230
constant coefficients in ODE, 492–503
auxiliary equation, 493
constants of integration, 62, 468
constrained variation, 785–787
constraints, stationary values under,see
Lagrange undetermined multiplers
continuity correction for discrete RV, 1186
continuity equation, 404
contour integration, 861–867, 887
infinite integrals, 862–867
inverse Laplace transforms, 884–887
residue theorem, 858–867
sinusoidal functions, 861
summing series, 882
contraction of tensors, 939
contradiction, proof by, 32–34
basis vectors, 961
derivative, 965
components of tensor, 956
definition, 961
control variates, in Monte Carlo methods, 1013
convergence of infinite series, 831
absolute, 124, 831
complex power series, 133
conditional, 124
necessary condition, 125
power series, 132
under various manipulations,seepower
series, manipulation
ratio test, 832
rearrangement of terms, 124
tests for convergence, 125–131
alternating series test, 130
comparison test, 125
grouping terms, 129
integral test, 128
quotient test, 127
ratio comparison test, 127
ratio test (D’Alembert), 126, 132
root test (Cauchy), 129, 831
convergence of numerical iteration schemes,
Fourier tranforms,seeFourier transforms,
Laplace tranforms,seeLaplace transforms,
convolution theorem
Fourier transforms, 448
Laplace transforms, 457
coordinate geometry, 15–18
conic sections, 15
straight line, 15
coordinate systems,seeCartesian, curvilinear,
cylindrical polar, plane polarandspherical
polar coordinates
coordinate transformations
and integrals,seechange of variables

and matrices,seesimilarity transformations
general, 960–965
relative tensors, 963
tensor transformations, 962
weight, 964
orthogonal, 932
coplanar vectors, 225
Cornu spiral, 914
correlation functions, 449–451
auto-correlation, 450
cross-correlation, 449
energy spectrum, 450
Parseval’s theorem, 451
Wiener–Kinchin theorem, 450
correlation matrix, of sample, 1229
correlation of bivariate distributions, 1200–1207
correlation of sample data, 1229
correlation, chi-squared test, 1301
correspondence principle in quantum mechanics,
cosets and congruence, 1065
cosh, hyperbolic cosine, 102, 833,see also
hyperbolic functions
cosine, cos(x)
in terms of exponential functions, 102
Maclaurin series for, 140
orthogonality relations, 417
counting irreps,seecharacters, counting irreps
coupled pendulums, 329, 331
covariance matrix
of linear least squares estimators, 1274
of sample, 1229
covariance of bivariate distributions, 1200–1207
covariance of sample data, 1229
basis vector, 961
derivative, 965
components of tensor, 956
definition, 961
derivative, 968
of scalar, 971
semi-colon notation, 969
differentiation, 968–971
CPF,seeprobability functions, cumulative
Cramer–Rao (Fisher’s) inequality, 1232, 1233 ́
Cramer determinant, 299
Cramer’s rule, 299
cross product,seevector product
cross-correlation functions, 449
crystal lattice, 148
crystal point groups, 1082
cube roots of unity, 98
cube, rotational symmetries of, 1114
cumulants, 1166
curl of a vector field, 353
as a determinant, 353
as integral, 398, 400
curl curl, 356
in curvilinear coordinates, 368
in cylindrical polars, 360
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