Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering : A Comprehensive Guide

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is the forward direction of a right-handed screw rotating in the same sense as the

body. The velocity of any point in the body with position vectorris then given


Since the basis vectorsi,j,kare mutually perpendicular unit vectors, forming

a right-handed set, their vector products are easily seen to be

i×i=j×j=k×k= 0 , (7.29)

i×j=−j×i=k, (7.30)

j×k=−k×j=i, (7.31)

k×i=−i×k=j. (7.32)

Using these relations, it is straightforward to show that the vector product of two

general vectorsaandbis given in terms of their components with respect to the

basis seti,j,k,by

a×b=(aybz−azby)i+(azbx−axbz)j+(axby−aybx)k. (7.33)

For the reader who is familiar with determinants (see chapter 8), we record that

this can also be written as


ax ay az
bx by bz


That the cross producta×bis perpendicular to bothaandbcan be verified

in component form by forming its dot products with each of the two vectors and

showing that it is zero in both cases.

Find the areaAof the parallelogram with sidesa=i+2j+3kandb=4i+5j+6k.

The vector producta×bis given in component form by

a×b=(2× 6 − 3 ×5)i+(3× 4 − 1 ×6)j+(1× 5 − 2 ×4)k
=− 3 i+6j− 3 k.

Thus the area of the parallelogram is


(−3)^2 +6^2 +(−3)^2 =

54 .

7.6.3 Scalar triple product

Now that we have defined the scalar and vector products, we can extend our

discussion to define products of three vectors. Again, there are two possibilities,

thescalar triple productand thevector triple product.

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