Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering : A Comprehensive Guide

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8.2.1 Properties of linear operators

Ifxis a vector andAandBare two linear operators then it follows that



where in the last equality we see that the action of two linear operators in

succession is associative. The product of two linear operators is not in general

commutative, however, so that in generalABx=BAx. In an obvious way we

define the null (or zero) and identity operators by

Ox= 0 and Ix=x,

for any vectorxin our vector space. Two operatorsA andB are equal if

Ax=Bxfor all vectorsx. Finally, if there exists an operatorA−^1 such that

AA−^1 =A−^1 A=I

thenA−^1 is theinverseofA. Some linear operators do not possess an inverse

and are calledsingular, whilst those operators that do have an inverse are termed


8.3 Matrices

We have seen that in a particular basiseiboth vectors and linear operators

can be described in terms of their components with respect to the basis. These

components may be displayed as an array of numbers called amatrix.Ingeneral,

if a linear operatorAtransforms vectors from anN-dimensional vector space,

for which we choose a basisej,j=1, 2 ,...,N, into vectors belonging to an

M-dimensional vector space, with basisfi,i=1, 2 ,...,M, then we may represent

the operatorAby the matrix


A 11 A 12 ... A 1 N
A 21 A 22 ... A 2 N



AM 1 AM 2 ... AMN

. (8.25)

Thematrix elementsAijare the components of the linear operator with respect

to the basesejandfi; the componentAijof the linear operator appears in the

ith row andjth column of the matrix. The array hasMrows andNcolumns

and is thus called anM×Nmatrix. If the dimensions of the two vector spaces

are the same, i.e.M=N(for example, if they are the same vector space) then we

may representAby anN×Norsquarematrix oforderN. The componentAij,

which in general may be complex, is also denoted by (A)ij.

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