Clearly result (8.63) for diagonal matrices is a special case of this result. Moreover,
it may be shown that the inverse of a non-singular lower (upper) triangular matrix
is also lower (upper) triangular.
8.12.3 Symmetric and antisymmetric matrices
A square matrixAof orderNwith the propertyA=ATis said to besymmetric.
Similarly a matrix for whichA=−ATis said to beanti-orskew-symmetric
and its diagonal elementsa 11 ,a 22 ,...,aNNare necessarily zero. Moreover, ifAis
(anti-)symmetric then so too is its inverseA−^1. This is easily proved by noting
that ifA=±ATthen
(A−^1 )T=(AT)−^1 =±A−^1.
AnyN×NmatrixAcan be written as the sum of a symmetric and an
antisymmetric matrix, since we may write
A=^12 (A+AT)+^12 (A−AT)=B+C,
where clearlyB=BTandC=−CT. The matrixBis therefore called the
symmetric part ofA,andCis the antisymmetric part.
IfAis anN×Nantisymmetric matrix, show that|A|=0ifNis odd.
IfAis antisymmetric thenAT=−A. Using the properties of determinants (8.49) and
(8.51), we have
Thus, ifNis odd then|A|=−|A|, which implies that|A|=0.
8.12.4 Orthogonal matrices
A non-singular matrix with the property that its transpose is also its inverse,
AT=A−^1 , (8.65)
is called anorthogonal matrix. It follows immediately that the inverse of an
orthogonal matrix is also orthogonal, since
(A−^1 )T=(AT)−^1 =(A−^1 )−^1.
Moreover, since for an orthogonal matrixATA=I, we have
|ATA|=|AT||A|=|A|^2 =|I|=1.
Thus the determinant of an orthogonal matrix must be|A|=±1.
An orthogonal matrix represents, in a particular basis, a linear operator that
leaves the norms (lengths) of real vectors unchanged, as we will now show.