Hence〈y|y〉=〈x|x〉, showing that the action of the linear operator represented by
a unitary matrix does not change the norm of a complex vector. The action of a
unitary matrix on a complex column matrix thus parallels that of an orthogonal
matrix acting on a real column matrix.
8.12.7 Normal matrices
A final important set of special matrices consists of thenormalmatrices, for which
i.e. a normal matrix is one that commutes with its Hermitian conjugate.
We can easily show that Hermitian matrices and unitary matrices (or symmetric
matrices and orthogonal matrices in the real case) are examples of normal
matrices. For an Hermitian matrix,A=A†and so
Similarly, for a unitary matrix,A−^1 =A†and so
AA†=AA−^1 =A−^1 A=A†A.
Finally, we note that, ifAis normal then so too is its inverseA−^1 ,since
A−^1 (A−^1 )†=A−^1 (A†)−^1 =(A†A)−^1 =(AA†)−^1 =(A†)−^1 A−^1 =(A−^1 )†A−^1.
This broad class of matrices is important in the discussion of eigenvectors and
eigenvalues in the next section.
8.13 Eigenvectors and eigenvalues
Suppose that a linear operatorA transforms vectorsxin anN-dimensional
vector space into other vectorsAxin the same space. The possibility then arises
that there exist vectorsxeach of which is transformed byAinto a multiple of
itself. Such vectors would have to satisfy
Ax=λx. (8.67)
Any non-zero vectorxthat satisfies (8.67) for some value ofλis called an
eigenvectorof the linear operatorA,andλis called the correspondingeigenvalue.
As will be discussed below, in general the operatorA hasN independent
eigenvectorsxi, with eigenvaluesλi.Theλiare not necessarily all distinct.
If we choose a particular basis in the vector space, we can write (8.67) in terms
of the components ofAandxwith respect to this basis as the matrix equation
Ax=λx, (8.68)
whereAis anN×Nmatrix. The column matricesxthat satisfy (8.68) obviously