Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering : A Comprehensive Guide

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also. Another, rather more general, expression that is also real is theHermitian


H(x)≡x†Ax, (8.112)

whereAis Hermitian (i.e.A†=A) and the components ofxmay now be complex.

It is straightforward to show thatHis real, since


With suitable generalisation, the properties of quadratic forms apply also to Her-

mitian forms, but to keep the presentation simple we will restrict our discussion

to quadratic forms.

A special case of a quadratic (Hermitian) form is one for whichQ=xTAx

is greater than zero for all column matricesx. By choosing as the basis the

eigenvectors ofAwe haveQin the form

Q=λ 1 x^21 +λ 2 x^22 +λ 3 x^23.

The requirement thatQ>0 for allxmeans that all the eigenvaluesλiofAmust

be positive. A symmetric (Hermitian) matrixAwith this property is calledpositive

definite.If,instead,Q≥0 for allxthen it is possible that some of the eigenvalues

are zero, andAis calledpositive semi-definite.

8.17.1 The stationary properties of the eigenvectors

Consider a quadratic form, such asQ(x)=〈x|Ax〉, equation (8.105), in a fixed

basis. As the vectorxis varied, through changes in its three componentsx 1 ,x 2

andx 3 , the value of the quantityQalso varies. Because of the homogeneous

form ofQwe may restrict any investigation of these variations to vectors of unit

length (since multiplying any vectorxby any scalarksimply multiplies the value

ofQby a factork^2 ).

Of particular interest are any vectorsxthat make the value of the quadratic

form a maximum or minimum. A necessary, but not sufficient, condition for this

is thatQis stationary with respect to small variations ∆xinx, whilst〈x|x〉is

maintained at a constant value (unity).

In the chosen basis the quadratic form is given byQ=xTAxand, using

Lagrange undetermined multipliers to incorporate the variational constraints, we

are led to seek solutions of

∆[xTAx−λ(xTx−1)] = 0. (8.113)

This may be used directly, together with the fact that (∆xT)Ax=xTA∆x,sinceA

is symmetric, to obtain

Ax=λx (8.114)
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