8.17.2 Quadratic surfaces
The results of the previous subsection may be turned round to state that the
surface given by
xTAx= constant = 1 (say) (8.117)
and called aquadratic surface, has stationary values of its radius (i.e. origin–
surface distance) in those directions that are along the eigenvectors ofA.More
specifically, in three dimensions the quadratic surfacexTAx= 1 has its principal
axes along the three mutually perpendicular eigenvectors ofA,andthesquares
of the corresponding principal radii are given byλ−i^1 ,i=1, 2 ,3. As well as
having this stationary property of the radius, aprincipal axisis characterised by
the fact that any section of the surface perpendicular to it has some degree of
symmetry about it. If the eigenvalues corresponding to any two principal axes are
degenerate then the quadratic surface has rotational symmetry about the third
principal axis and the choice of a pair of axes perpendicular to that axis is not
uniquely defined.
Find the shape of the quadratic surface
x^21 +x^22 − 3 x^23 +2x 1 x 2 +6x 1 x 3 − 6 x 2 x 3 =1.
If, instead of expressing the quadratic surface in terms ofx 1 ,x 2 ,x 3 , as in (8.107), we
were to use the new variablesx′ 1 ,x′ 2 ,x′ 3 defined in (8.111), for which the coordinate axes
are along the three mutually perpendicular eigenvector directions (1, 1 ,0), (1,− 1 ,1) and
(1,− 1 ,−2), then the equation of the surface would take the form (see (8.110))
x′ 12
x′ 22
x′ 32
Thus, for example, a section of the quadratic surface in the planex′ 3 =0,i.e.x 1 −x 2 −
2 x 3 = 0, is an ellipse, with semi-axes 1/
- Similarly a section in the plane
x′ 1 =x 1 +x 2 = 0 is a hyperbola.
Clearly the simplest three-dimensional situation to visualise is that in which all
the eigenvalues are positive, since then the quadratic surface is an ellipsoid.
8.18 Simultaneous linear equations
In physical applications we often encounter sets of simultaneous linear equations.
In general we may haveMequations inNunknownsx 1 ,x 2 ,...,xNof the form
A 11 x 1 +A 12 x 2 +···+A 1 NxN=b 1 ,
A 21 x 1 +A 22 x 2 +···+A 2 NxN=b 2 ,
AM 1 x 1 +AM 2 x 2 +···+AMNxN=bM,