Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering : A Comprehensive Guide

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independent of the path taken. Sinceais conservative, we can writea=∇φ. Therefore,φ
must satisfy

=xy^2 +z,

which implies thatφ=^12 x^2 y^2 +zx+f(y, z) for some functionf. Secondly, we require


=x^2 y+


=x^2 y+2,

which impliesf=2y+g(z). Finally, since





we haveg=constant=k. It can be seen that we have explicitly constructed the function
φ=^12 x^2 y^2 +zx+2y+k.

The quantityφthat figures so prominently in this section is called thescalar

potential functionof the conservative vector fielda(which satisfies∇×a= 0 ), and

is unique up to an arbitrary additive constant. Scalar potentials that are multi-

valued functions of position (but in simple ways) are also of value in describing

some physical situations, the most obvious example being the scalar magnetic

potential associated with a current-carrying wire. When the integral of a field

quantity around a closed loop is considered, provided the loop does not enclose

a net current, the potential is single-valued and all the above results still hold. If

the loop does enclose a net current, however, our analysis is no longer valid and

extra care must be taken.

If, instead of being conservative, a vector fieldbsatisfies∇·b=0(i.e.b

is solenoidal) then it is both possible and useful, for example in the theory of

electromagnetism, to define avector fieldasuch thatb=∇×a.Itmaybeshown

that such a vector fieldaalways exists. Further, ifais one such vector field then

a′=a+∇ψ+c,whereψis any scalar function andcis any constant vector, also

satisfies the above relationship, i.e.b=∇×a′. This was discussed more fully in

subsection 10.8.2.

11.5 Surface integrals

As with line integrals, integrals over surfaces can involve vector and scalar fields

and, equally, can result in either a vector or a scalar. The simplest case involves

entirely scalars and is of the form


φdS. (11.8)

As analogues of the line integrals listed in (11.1), we may also encounter surface

integrals involving vectors, namely






a×dS. (11.9)
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