Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering : A Comprehensive Guide

(lu) #1


If we take, for example,h(x, y)=expy, which clearly satisfies (20.15), then the general
solution is

u(x, y)=(expy)f(xexp(−^12 y)).

Alternatively,h(x, y)=x^2 also satisfies (20.15) and so the general solution to the equation
can also be written

u(x, y)=x^2 g(xexp(−^12 y)),

wheregis an arbitrary function ofp; clearlyg(p)=f(p)/p^2 .

20.3.2 Inhomogeneous equations and problems

Let us discuss in a more general form the particular solutions of (20.13) found

in the second example of the previous subsection. It is clear that, so far as this

equation is concerned, ifu(x, y) is a solution then so is any multiple ofu(x, y)or

any linear sum of separate solutionsu 1 (x, y)+u 2 (x, y). However, when it comes

to fitting the boundary conditions this is not so.

For example, althoughu(x, y) in (20.14) satisfies the PDE and the boundary

conditionu(1,y)=2y+ 1, the functionu 1 (x, y)=4u(x, y)=8xy+ 4, whilst

satisfying the PDE, takes the value 8y+4 on the linex= 1 and so does not satisfy

the required boundary condition. Likewise the functionu 2 (x, y)=u(x, y)+f 1 (x^2 y),

for arbitraryf 1 , satisfies (20.13) but takes the valueu 2 (1,y)=2y+1+f 1 (y)on

the linex= 1, and so is not of the required form unlessf 1 is identically zero.

Thus we see that when treating the superposition of solutions of PDEs two

considerations arise, one concerning the equation itself and the other connected

to the boundary conditions. Theequationis said to be homogeneous if the fact

thatu(x, y) is a solution implies thatλu(x, y), for any constantλ, is also a solution.

However, theproblemis said to be homogeneous if, in addition, the boundary

conditions are such that if they are satisfied byu(x, y) then they are also satisfied

byλu(x, y). The last requirement itself is referred to as that ofhomogeneous

boundary conditions.

For example, the PDE (20.13) is homogeneous but the general first-order

equation (20.9) would not be homogeneous unlessR(x, y) = 0. Furthermore,

the boundary condition (i) imposed on the solution of (20.13) in the previous

subsection is not homogeneous though, in this case, the boundary condition

u(x, y) = 0 on the liney=4x−^2

would be, sinceu(x, y)=λ(x^2 y−4) satisfies this condition for anyλand, being a

function ofx^2 y, satisfies (20.13).

The reason for discussing the homogeneity of PDEs and their boundary condi-

tions is that in linear PDEs there is a close parallel to the complementary-function

and particular-integral property of ODEs. The general solution of an inhomo-

geneous problem can be written as the sum ofanyparticular solution of the

problem and the general solution of the corresponding homogeneous problem (as

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