Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering : A Comprehensive Guide

(lu) #1


for example, the electrostatic potentialu(r) due to some distribution of electric

chargeρ(r). The electrostatic potential satisfies

∇^2 u(r)=−



whereu(r)→0as|r|→∞. Since the boundary condition on the surface at

infinity is homogeneous the surface integral in (21.86) vanishes, and using (21.90)

we recover the familiar solution

u(r 0 )=

4 π 0 |r−r 0 |

dV(r), (21.91)

where the volume integral is over all space.

We can develop an analogous theory in two dimensions. As before the funda-

mental solution satisfies

∇^2 F(r,r 0 )=δ(r−r 0 ), (21.92)

whereδ(r−r 0 ) is now the two-dimensional delta function. Following an analogous

method to that used in the previous example, we find the fundamental solution

in two dimensions to be given by

F(r,r 0 )=

2 π

ln|r−r 0 |+ constant. (21.93)

From the form of the solution we see that in two dimensions we cannot apply

the conditionF(r,r 0 )→0as|r|→∞, and in this case the constant does not

necessarily vanish.

We now return to the task of constructing the full Dirichlet Green’s function. To

do so we wish to add to the fundamental solution a solution of the homogeneous

equation (in this case Laplace’s equation) such thatG(r,r 0 )=0onS,asrequired

by (21.86) and its attendant conditions. The appropriate Green’s function is

constructed by adding to the fundamental solution ‘copies’ of itself that represent

‘image’ sources at different locationsoutsideV. Hence this approach is called the

method of images.

In summary, if we wish to solve Poisson’s equation in some regionVsubject to

Dirichlet boundary conditions on its surfaceSthen the procedure and argument

are as follows.

(i) To the single sourceδ(r−r 0 ) insideVadd image sourcesoutsideV



qnδ(r−rn) withrnoutsideV,

where the positionsrnand the strengthsqnof the image sources are to be
determined as described in step (iii) below.
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