Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering : A Comprehensive Guide

(lu) #1

22 Calculus of variations

In chapters 2 and 5 we discussed how to find stationary values of functions of a

single variablef(x), of several variablesf(x,y,...) and of constrained variables,

wherex,y,...are subject to thenconstraintsgi(x,y,...)=0,i=1, 2 ,...,n.Inall

these cases the forms of the functionsfandgiwere known, and the problem was

one of finding the appropriate values of the variablesx,yetc.

We now turn to a different kind of problem in which we are interested in

bringing about a particular condition for a given expression (usually maximising

or minimising it) by varying thefunctionson which the expression depends. For

instance, we might want to know in what shape a fixed length of rope should

be arranged so as to enclose the largest possible area, or in what shape it will

hang when suspended under gravity from two fixed points. In each case we are

concerned with a general maximisation or minimisation criterion by which the

functiony(x) that satisfies the given problem may be found.

The calculus of variations provides a method for finding the functiony(x).

The problem must first be expressed in a mathematical form, and the form

most commonly applicable to such problems is anintegral.Ineachoftheabove

questions, the quantity that has to be maximised or minimised by an appropriate

choice of the functiony(x) may be expressed as an integral involvingy(x)and

the variables describing the geometry of the situation.

In our example of the rope hanging from two fixed points, we need to find

the shape functiony(x) that minimises the gravitational potential energy of the

rope. Each elementary piece of the rope has a gravitational potential energy

proportional both to its vertical height above an arbitrary zero level and to the

length of the piece. Therefore the total potential energy is given by an integral

for the whole rope of such elementary contributions. The particular functiony(x)

for which the value of this integral is a minimum will give the shape assumed by

the hanging rope.

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