Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering : A Comprehensive Guide

(lu) #1

22.10 Hints and answers

total energy (per unit depth) of the film consists of its surface energy and its
gravitational energy, and is expressed by

E=ρg 2



(p^2 −q^2 )dx+γ




(1 +p′^2 )^1 /^2 +(1+q′^2 )^1 /^2



(a) ExpressVin terms ofpandq.
(b) Show that, if the total energy is minimised,pandqmust satisfy

(1 +p′^2 )^1 /^2

(1 +q′^2 )^1 /^2


(c) As an approximate solution, consider the equations


whereaandbare sufficiently small thata^3 andb^3 can be neglected compared
with unity. Find the values ofaandbthat minimiseE.

22.28 A particle of massmmoves in a one-dimensional potential well of the form


^2 α^2

sech^2 αx,

whereμandαare positive constants. As in exercise 22.26, the expectation value
〈E〉of the energy of the system is

ψ∗Hψ dx, where the self-adjoint operator
His given by−(^2 / 2 m)d^2 /dx^2 +V(x). Using trial wavefunctions of the form
y=Asechβx, show the following:

(a) forμ= 1, there is an exact eigenfunction ofH, with a corresponding〈E〉of
half of the maximum depth of the well;
(b) forμ= 6, the ‘binding energy’ of the ground state is at least 10^2 α^2 /(3m).

[ You will find it useful to note that foru,v≥0, sechusechv≥sech (u+v). ]
22.29 The Sturm–Liouville equation can be extended to two independent variables,x
andz, with little modification. In equation (22.22),y′^2 is replaced by (∇y)^2 and
the integrals of the various functions ofy(x, z) become two-dimensional, i.e. the
infinitesimal isdx dz.
The vibrations of a trampoline 4 units long and 1 unit wide satisfy the equation

∇^2 y+k^2 y=0.

By taking the simplest possible permissible polynomial as a trial function, show
that the lowest mode of vibration hask^2 ≤ 10 .63 and, by direct solution, that the
actual value is 10.49.

22.10 Hints and answers

22.1 Note that the integrand, 2πρ^1 /^2 (1 +ρ′^2 )^1 /^2 , does not containzexplicitly.
22.3 I=

n(r)[r^2 +(dr/dφ)^2 ]^1 /^2 dφ. Take axes such thatφ= 0 whenr=∞.
Ifβ=(π−deviation angle)/2thenβ=φatr=a, and the equation reduces to

(a^2 +α^2 )^1 /^2




r(r^2 −a^2 )^1 /^2


which can be evaluated by puttingr=a(y+y−^1 )/2, or successivelyr=acoshψ,
y=expψto yield a deviation ofπ[(a^2 +α^2 )^1 /^2 −a]/a.
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