Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering : A Comprehensive Guide

(lu) #1


25.17 Use the binomial theorem to expand, in inverse powers ofz, both the square
root in the exponent and the fourth root in the multiplier, working to O(z−^2 ).
The leading terms arey 1 (z)=Ce−z

(^2) / 4
zνandy 2 (z)=Dez
(^2) / 4
z−(ν+1). Stokes lines:
argz=0,π/ 2 ,π, 3 π/2; anti-Stokes lines: argz=(2n+1)π/4forn=0, 1 , 2 ,3.y 1
is dominant on argz=π/2or3π/2.
25.19 (a)i


, valid for allz, includingi

πexp(β^2 ) in case (iii).
(b) The same values as in (a). The (only) saddle point, att 0 =z, is traversed in
the directionθ=+^12 πin all cases, though the path in the complext-plane varies
with each case.
(c) The same values as in (a). The level lines arev=±u. In cases (i) and (ii) the
contour turns through a right angle at the saddle point.
All threemethods giveexactanswers in this case of a quadratic exponent.
25.21 Saddle points att 1 =−zandt 2 =2zwithf′′ 1 =− 18 zandf 2 ′′=18z.
Approximation is

9 zν

) 1 / 2


cos(7νz^3 −^14 π)


cos(20νz^3 −^14 π)



25.23 Saddle point att 0 =cos−^1 (ν/z) is traversed in the directionθ=−^14 π.Fν(z)≈

(2π/z)^1 /^2 exp [i(z−^12 νπ−^14 π)].
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