Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering : A Comprehensive Guide

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does this imply that theApq···k···malso form the components of a tensorA?Here

A,BandCare respectively ofMth,Nth and (M+N−2)th order and it should be

noted that the subscriptkthat has been contracted may be any of the subscripts


Thequotient lawfor tensors states that if (26.25) holds in all rotated coordinate

frames then theApq···k···mdo indeed form the components of a tensorA.Toprove

it for generalMandNis no more difficult regarding the ideas involved than to

show it for specificMandN, but this does involve the introduction of a large

number of subscript symbols. We will therefore take the caseM=N= 2, but

it will be readily apparent that the principle of the proof holds for generalM


We thus start with (say)

ApkBik=Cpi, (26.26)

whereBikandCpiare arbitrary second-order tensors. Under a rotation of coor-

dinates the setApk(tensor or not) transforms into a new set of quantities that

we will denote byA′pk. We thus obtain in succession the following steps, using

(26.16), (26.17) and (26.6):

A′pkB′ik=Cpi′ (transforming (26.26)),
=LpqLijCqj (sinceCis a tensor),
=LpqLijAqlBjl (from (26.26)),
=LpqLijAqlLmjLnlBmn′ (sinceBis a tensor),
=LpqLnlAqlBin′ (sinceLijLmj=δim).

Nowkon the left andnon the right are dummy subscripts and thus we may


(A′pk−LpqLklAql)B′ik=0. (26.27)

SinceBik, and henceB′ik, is an arbitrary tensor, we must have


showing that theA′pkare given by the general formula (26.18) and hence that

theApkare the components of a second-order tensor. By following an analogous

argument, the same result (26.27) and deduction could be obtained if (26.26) were

replaced by


i.e. the contraction being now with respect to a different pair of indices.

Use of the quotient law to test whether a given set of quantities is a tensor is

generally much more convenient than making a direct substitution. A particular

way in which it is applied is by contracting the given set of quantities, having

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