Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering : A Comprehensive Guide

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26.15 The metric tensor

second-order tensorT. Using the outer product notation in (26.23), we may write

Tin three different ways:


whereTij,Tij andTijare called thecontravariant, mixedandcovariantcom-

ponents ofTrespectively. It is important to remember that these three sets of

quantities form the components of thesametensorTbut refer to different (tensor)

bases made up from the basis vectors of the coordinate system. Again, if we are

using Cartesian coordinates then all three sets of components are identical.

We may generalise the above equation to higher-order tensors. Components

carrying only superscripts or only subscripts are referred to as the contravariant

and covariant components respectively; all others are called mixed components.

26.15 The metric tensor

Any particular curvilinear coordinate system is completely characterised at each

point in space by the nine quantities

gij=ei·ej, (26.56)

which, as we will show, are the covariant components of a symmetric second-order

tensorgcalled themetric tensor.

Since an infinitesimal vector displacement can be written asdr=duiei, we find

that the square of the infinitesimal arc length (ds)^2 can be written in terms of the

metric tensor as

(ds)^2 =dr·dr=duiei·dujej=gijduiduj. (26.57)

It may further be shown that the volume elementdVis given by


gdu^1 du^2 du^3 , (26.58)

wheregis the determinant of the matrix [gij], which has the covariant components

of the metric tensor as its elements.

If we compare equations (26.57) and (26.58) with the analogous ones in section

10.10 then we see that in the special case where the coordinate system is orthogonal

(so thatei·ej=0fori=j) the metric tensor can be written in terms of the

coordinate-system scale factorshi,i=1, 2 ,3as


h^2 i i=j,

0 i=j.

Its determinant is then given byg=h^21 h^22 h^23.

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