Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering : A Comprehensive Guide

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where we have used the reciprocity relation (26.54). Similarly, we could write

a·b=aiei·bjej=aibjδji=aibi. (26.64)

By comparing the four alternative expressions (26.61)–(26.64) for the scalar

product of two vectors we can deduce one of the most useful properties of

the quantitiesgijandgij.Sincegijaibj=aibiholds for any arbitrary vector

componentsai, it follows that


which illustrates the fact that the covariant componentsgijofthemetrictensor

can be used tolower an index. In other words, it provides a means of obtaining

the covariant components of a vector from its contravariant components. By a

similar argument, we have


so that the contravariant componentsgijcan be used to perform the reverse

operation ofraising an index.

It is straightforward to show that the contravariant and covariant basis vectors,

eiandeirespectively, are related in the same way as other vectors, i.e. by

ei=gijej and ei=gijej.

We also note that, sinceeiandeiare reciprocal systems of vectors in three-

dimensional space (see chapter 7), we may write




for the combination of subscriptsi, j, k=1, 2 ,3 and its cyclic permutations. A

similar expression holds foreiin terms of theei-basis. Moreover, it may be shown

that|e 1 ·(e 2 ×e 3 )|=


Show that the matrix[gij]is the inverse of the matrix[gij]. Hence calculate the con-
travariant componentsgijof the metric tensor in cylindrical polar coordinates.

Using the index-lowering and index-raising properties ofgijandgijon an arbitrary vector
a, we find


But, sinceais arbitrary, we must have

gijgjk=δki. (26.65)

Denoting the matrix [gij]byGand [gij]byGˆ, equation (26.65) can be written in matrix
form asGGˆ =I,whereIis the unit matrix. HenceGandGˆare inverse matrices of each

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