Encyclopedia of African Religion

(Elliott) #1

known to never be satisfied and to always want
more of what she is given. If she is not appeased,
then tears will surely ensue.
Being a member of the Rada family entitles
Ezili to the title of Mambo. Alongside her beauty
and exquisite taste, she is also powerful, and her
presence alone is known to nullify negativewanga
(witchcraft) and poisons.
Ezili is said to dislike women due to an overall
jealousy of women and their relationship with
men. She seldom touches them when in posses-
sion. When in another woman’s presence, she
merely salutes her with her pinkie fingers. In fact,
she is known to cause problems between men and
women. This is because she wants all men to her-
self and believes that she should have complete
control over all of them. Her love for men and
romance are both enduring and profound. When
in the company of men, she is known to shower
them with kisses and hugs. She even, quite often,
requests their hand in marriage. Along with this
marital bond to Ezili come abundant gifts and
blessings for which she is known.
It is not only with male humans that Ezili Freda
forges special bonds, but also with some of the
Lwa because her often tumultuous relationship
with the Lwa Ogou Feray, Danbala Wedo, and
Agwe is well known.
She is conceptualized as a wealthy, upper class
mulatress, that is, a light-skinned Creole/Kreyol

woman drenched in gold jewelry and wearing
dresses made of silk and satin, as well as expensive
perfumes. In Haiti, class membership is gained
and/or illustrated linguistically, with French func-
tioning as the socially and economically dominant
language, a direct legacy of slavery and imperial-
ism. For this reason, during Ezili’s possession per-
formances, she only speaks exaggerated French,
which is seen as prestigious, and refuses to speak
Haitian Creole.
Her symbol is a heart pierced with a knife, as
rendered by hervèvè(ritual drawing). This is said
to be a depiction of her everlasting loyalty to all
things surrounding love and romance. Ezili clearly
derives from the African Vodun Azili/Ezili of
Benin. She also presents much resemblance with
Oshun of the Yoruba pantheon.

LaAisha Murray

SeealsoFertility; Lwa; Rada; Vodou in Haiti

Further Readings
Deren, M. (1972).The Divine Horsemen:The Voodoo
Gods of Haiti. New York: Delta.
Desmangles, L. (1992).The Faces of the Gods. Vodou
and Roman Catholicism in Haiti. Chapel Hill:
University of North Carolina Press.
Métraux, A. (1958).Le Vaudou Haitien. Paris: Gallimard.

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