Th e nameAbaluyia ref ersto a lar ge ethnicandlin -
guistic group that liv esin Kenya and parts of
Uganda.When spe akingof oneperson, theAbaluyia
us e thewordOmuluyia, andwhenreferringto the ir
language, theyuse the word Luluyia. Se venteen
subnations exist among the Abaluyia. They are
Abakhayo, Bukusu, Vugusu, Banyala, Abasonga,
Abanyore, Abatsotso,Idakho,Isukha, Abakabras,
Kisa,Logoli,Marachi,Marama, Sam ia,Tachhoni,
Alt houghtheUgandaspeakersofLu luyiado
no t usethetermAbaluyia, a term theeldersin
Ke nyaacceptedandad opted from 1930 to 1960,
the Ugandan Lu luyia speak ersrecognize th e
Ke nyanspeakersas related to them.Th ey sharea
similarculturewithmanyof thesamemyths, rit -
uals,andceremonies.Mostof theLuluyia speak -
er s sharein thestorytoldby theVugusu aboutthe
cr eationof theworld.
Accor dingtothesespeakersofthelanguage,
theworld wascreated whenthealmightyWele
Xakaba, the Supreme Be in g,made his own
dwellingin heaven;to preventit fromfallingout
of thesky,hesupportedit withmanypillarsjust
as thebu ildersof a housesupporttheroofwi th
manypi llars.WhenWeleXakabahadcompleted
thecreationof heaven, hemadethemoon,sun,
andclouds andlacedtheheavens withth em.Then
WeleXakabacreateda largeroosteran d pl aced
theroosterin heaven. Th is hugeredroosteris the
source of lightningandthunder.It livesamongthe
clouds,andwhenit movesits wingsupanddown
lightning flashes;whenit cr ows,thunderis heard
ontheearth.Thecreationoftheroosteris fol -
lo wedbythecreationof thestars, rain,rainbows,
regularair,andverycoldair.It tookWeleXakaba
ju st 2 wholedaystomakethesecr eations.But
therewasa problem:“Forwhomwouldthesun
shine?”Thisled to thecreationof humanbeings.
The first man was called by the name of
Mwambu. However, because WeleXakaba had
createdthismanso thathe hadtheabilityto talk
andsee,there neededto besomeonewithwhom
he couldtalk. Therefo re, thefirstwoman , Sela,was
created to be Mwambu’smate.ThenWele Xakaba
created plants, oceans,lakes,rivers,plants,andani -
mals.Cattlewere alsocreatedby WeleXakaba.
Soo n Mwambuan d Selahadtwochildren,a
son,Lilambo, anda daughter,Nasio.In 6 days,
WeleXakabahad co mpletedtheworkof creation.
On theseventhday,Godrestedbecauseit wasa
badday,pr obablythesourceforthenegativerela-
tionship andtaboostheAbaluyiahavewiththe
nu mber7.
Mol ef i KeteAsante
Se e alsoLuo
Pa rrinder , G.(1967).AfricanMythology. London: Paul
Sc heub, H.(2000).A Dictionaryof AfricanMythology.
NewYork:Oxf ordUniversityPres s.