Th e wordtaboo meansthesystemor actof setting
apart a person,anobject,or a place as sacredor
accursed. In African socie ties,taboo primarily
se rvesth e purpose ofritualprotectionorritual
hygiene.Recent African studies corroboratethe
factthattaboois embedded in themythsandre li -
gionof Africans.Among th e Akan,Ewe, Yoruba,
Wolo f Shona,Zulu,Kikuyu,andGa,andin most
African countries and co mmunities, taboos are
nu merous, they cover almost every aspect of
Africans’life,andtheyaretaken seriously.There
aretaboosassociated withini tiation,childbirth,
marriage,excretion,di se ases, sex,gender re stric-
tions, death, andburial. There are al sotaboos
connectedwitheating,drinking, languageex pres-
sions,occupation,andassociations,while some
alsoguideadministrationof rituals.
Th e originalmeaningof the wordas sh ownbyits
etymologyis itsderivativeof thePolynesianterm
tabu , whichmeansforbidden.It is similarto the
wordisfet in themost ancientAfricanlanguageof
Mdw Nt r andals o tosacer(inGreek),ka desh
(inHebrew),nso(inIg bo),an dèèwo in Yoruba.
AmongtheAkan,it isakyiwade, whichalsomeans
th at whichis notpermissible. Another wordin
Akan,mmusu , conveys theideaof thatwhichmust
no t be touched,done,or used to avertev il or dan-
ger.Amongthe Yoruba, thewordèèwo conveys
th e samemeaningas Akan’smmusu— something
or someactionforbiddenforreligiousor otherrea -
sons,personsor objectsnotto be handled,a place
not to be entered,andsomethingnotto be associ-
atedwithor used.
Taboosand Morals
Tabooin thestrictest senseis notethics,andit has
no t muchto dowithmorality.Forexample,steal-
in g,lying, infidelity, homicide, and so on are
moralbut nottabooissues. Mostofthemoral
issuesareuniversal,an d theycanbe codedbythe
societyan d arenotnecessarilycultural. Buttaboo
may either be religious or cultural; it is better
pl acedwithinthedomainof Africanmeta-ethics.
Africanethicsis beyonddosanddon’ts.Theyare
thedi mensionsof Africans’ wayoflife that is
beyond moral or general et hi cs ; they ca n be
si mply deityserviceor religious.Un likeordinary
wrongs,taboos,especially the mmusu type,are
takenmoreseriously.Sacrificemaybe requiredto
appease thedivinitiesandseektheirforgiveness
whenoneengagesin whatthesocietyde em s as
mmusuor èèwo. Mosttaboosstemfromhistory
or themythof a communityandinitiationintoa
deityservice.Theymayapplyto a community,a
family,or anindividual.
AmongtheYorubaandin most Africansocieties,
femalerestrictions.TheYorubasayobinrinki m’
oro(i .e.,it is forbiddenfora womanto seeor take
partin an ancestralcultcalledoro ).It is evenheld