Encyclopedia of African Religion

(Elliott) #1

Father, Son, and Holy Ghost triad of,1:xxiv
Gulu and,1: 299
heavens as location of God and,1: 69
Horus and,1: 315
Jesus as deity, human, or both issue in,
Jewish diaspora and,1: 200
Jola people and,1: 355
Mossi people and,1: 427
sky and Earth duality and,2:619–620
Vodun fetishes and,1: 266
white symbolism and,2: 716
Winti religion and,2: 718
Yoruba people and,1: 331
Zarma people and,2: 742
Circumcision, 1:167–170
Akamba people and,1: 23
ancient Egyptian origin of,1: 167
Bakota people and,1: 93
Baluba people and,1: 98
controversies regarding,1:169–170
Dogon people and,1:213,1: 343
as ethnic mark of distinction,1: 169
Ewe people and,1:251,2:571–572
excision term and,1: 167
female circumcision and,1:168–170
foreskin restoration and penis shaping
and,1: 169
Gola people and,1: 296
historical background regarding,1:167–168
identity marking and,1: 343
as initiation rite,1:168,2: 577
meanings and connotations of,1: 167
Min fertility and sexuality god and,1: 167
Ndembu people and,2: 598
Ovaherero people and,2: 513
physical hygiene and,1: 169
puberty and,2: 546
rationales supporting,1: 169
tools used to perform,1: 167
Tswana people and,2: 598
of Yao people,2: 734
See alsoClitorectomy
Civilization or Barbarism: An Authentic
Anthropology(Diop),1: 322
Civil Rights Movement,1: 200
Clay, 1:170–171
broken pot burial tradition and,1: 171
clay pot and womb analogy and,1:126,1:170,
1:264,1:410–411,2:536,2: 573

clay pots as spiritual vessels and,1: 171
colors distinguishing races and,1: 170
creation stories and,1:170,2: 470
Dogon creation story and,1: 216
first human couple and,1: 288
potter metaphor for God and,1: 170
pottery restrictions and taboos and,1: 170
red clay govi jar and,1:296–297
Ruhanga creation story and,2: 582
Shilluck creation story and,1:170,2: 615
white clay in religious ceremonies and,1:171,
2:595,2: 715
woman’s identity and clay pots and,1: 171
women pot making role and,1: 170
See alsoCaves
Clitorectomy, 1:171–173
childlessness reversal by,1: 172
duality needed for gender differentiation and,
as female genital mutilation,1:172,1: 343
feminine modesty and family honor and,1: 172
fertility and live births associated with,1: 172
fidelity maintenance by,1: 172
Goddesses and rite of passage and,1: 295
health dangers of,1: 173
as human rights violation,1: 173
initiation and,1: 343
in Islam,1: 172
marriage opportunities increased by,1: 172
opposition to,1:169–170,1:172–173,1: 343
organizations supporting eradication of,1: 173
patriarchal implications of,1: 173
Possessing the Secret of Joy(Walker),1: 170
premarital chastity ensured by,1: 172
puberty and,2: 546
purification justification of,1: 169
as rite of passage,1: 172
social context of,1: 172
spiritual purification and,1: 172
traditional roots of,1:171–172
types of,1:168–169,1: 173
Warrior Marks: Female Genital Mutilation and
the Sexual Blinding of Women(Walker and
Parmar) documentary film,1:169–170
Coffin Texts (The Book of Vindication),1:14,
1:15,1:16,1:138,1: 322
incarnation recorded in,1: 338
Khonsu mentioned in,1: 363
Ogdoad mentioned in,2: 481
Ra’s names in,2: 557

Index 815
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