Encyclopedia of African Religion

(Elliott) #1

Egungun, 1:231–233
costume, mask representation of,1:231,1: 232
Yoruba collective spirits and,1: 231
Ahmosian family of,1:29–30
ankh, Egyptian symbol of life and,1: 60
bronze statuette of king before the
Apis Bull,1: 66
See alsoAkhenaten; Akhetaten; Amen;
Egyptian Hieroglyphic Dictionary(Budge),1: 40
balance and harmony concepts of,1:233–234
clan group organization of,1: 233
geographic location of,1: 233
masks and ceremonies of,1:233–234
moon as shining stone and,2: 581
nature and hunting skills of,1: 233
patrilineal descent system of,1: 233
religious practices of,1:233–234
sculpture art of,1: 233
Ekpo secret society, 1:234–236
Ibibio people and,1:234–235,1:325–326
initiation rite of,1: 235
peace and harmony focus of,1:235–236
ranks of,1: 235
rituals of,1: 235
social function of,1:235–236
Elders, 1:236–238
of Akamba people,1: 23
Ga people and,1: 279
old agevs.,1: 236
roles of,1:237–238
spiritual meaning o,1:236–237
“wisdom of Eldership” task of,1: 238
Yoruba tradition of,1: 237
Eleda, 1:238–239
emi spirit of the person and,1: 238
Good Heavenvs.Bad Heaven and,1: 238
as guardian soul of the person,1: 238
ojiji shadow of the person and,1: 238
Yoruba human being concept and,1: 238
Elegba.SeeEsu, Elegba(Legba)
Eliade, Mircea,1:285,1: 287
Eniyan, 1:239–240
“chosen” status and,1:239–240
how it is achieved and,1: 240
human agency focus and,1: 240
Ifa moral anthropology and,1: 239

Odu Ifaand,1:239,1: 240
what is expected and,1:239–240
Ennead, 1:240–241
Atum and,1:77,1:240,1:241,2: 651
Book of the Deadand,1: 241
celestial and terrestrial components of,1: 241
First Occasion and,1: 241
Myth of Creation and,1:240–241
nine gods in ancient Egypt and,1: 240
Ptah and,2:545,2: 651
Tefnut and,2: 651
Epa Society, 1:241–242
masks created by,1:241–242
Yorupa ancestors celebrated by,1:241–242
“Ananse allegory” and,1:244–245
creation stories and,1:242,1: 243
Divination and Revelation cognitive modes
and,1: 243
document texts of,1: 243
dualisms rejected by,1: 245
holistic view and,1: 245
human destiny concerns and,1: 242
humility and,1:244–245
knowledge component of religion and,1: 242
Mufa unagaperson without knowledge
concept and,1: 245
natural cognitive modes and,1:243–344
oral traditions of,1: 243
paranormal, extrasensory perception mode
of,1: 244
religion as knowledge and,1: 243
supernatural modes of,1: 243
ways of knowing and,1:243–244
Esu, Elegba(Legba),1:245–247
attributes of,1:246–247
crossroads guardian and,2:534,2:559,
2:686,2: 689
evil associated with,1: 249
fate and,1:245–247
foods associated with,1:275 (table)
geographic location and origins of,1: 246
as midwife between evil and good,1: 212
Orunmila and,1: 247
potomitan guarded by,2: 534
trickster attribute of,1:245,1:246,1:270,1: 271
worship of,1: 247
Eternal life, 1:247–249
African belief in,1: 248
ankh nehehand,1: 248

822 Index

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