Rivers and streams, 2:580
Aiwel founder of Spear masters legend and,
Bondo Society initiation and,1: 134
creation myths and,2: 580
“Ecospirituality” and,2: 580
Lake Boya significance and,2: 580
Lele people legends and,1:379–380
Ohum festival, River Birem and,2: 483
Olodumare and,2: 489
Oya, Niger River goddess and,2: 489
as source of life,2: 580
Ugwuta Lake goddess and,2: 580
Yemoja (Ye.mo.nja) and,2:489,2: 580
See alsoHapi; Tano River
Rocks and stones, 2:581
Great Pyramid and,2: 581
sacred significance of,2: 581
Santeria and,2: 581
Shona Matopos narrative and,2: 581
Ruhanga, 2:582
Banyankore and Haya name of God
and,2: 582
creation story Supreme Being and,2: 582
human beings from seeds, clay and,2: 582
Hutu people of,1: 323
names of God in,1: 290
See alsoBanyarwanda
Sacrifice, 2:583–585
blessings and,1: 126
blood from animals and,1:56,1:127,2: 478
cosmic balance reestablished by,2: 478
crop-promotion and harvest and,1: 305
definition of,2: 583
foundation sacrifice,2: 584
to give life concept of,2: 478
Haya people and,1: 308
human sacrifice and,1:127,2: 584
objects of,2: 584
Odu Ifaand,2: 478
Ohum festival and,2:485,2: 486
preventive sacrifice of,2: 583
propitiatory sacrifice and,2: 583
purpose and significance of,2: 583
to remedy calamities,1: 150
sacred protocol and,2: 479
sacrificial victims and,2: 584
to safeguard community,1:56,2: 478
shawabits replacement of human sacrifice
and,1: 127
substitutionary sacrifice of,2:583–584
thanksgiving sacrifice,2: 584
votive sacrifice,2: 584
See alsoHarvest; Taboo(s)
Bois Caiman and,1:130–132
Dutty Boukman and,1:138–139
Toussaint L’Ouverture and,1:408,2: 482
See alsoVodou and the Haitian Revolution;
Vodou in Haiti
Sande society.SeeBondo society
Sangoma, 2:585–587
Ama-khubaloamulets and,2: 585
ancestor healers and illness source,2: 585
communication skills of,2: 586
dingakadivination bones and,2: 586
initiation and,2:585–586
as keepers of sacred knowledge,2: 585
Credo Mutwa and,1:436–437,2:585–586
mystical power and leadership of,2: 586
skills of,2: 586
witchcraft and sorcerers and,2: 585
Zulu healer,2: 585
Sankofa, concept, 2:587
historical recovery and,2: 587
meanings of,2: 587
valuing the past element of,2: 587
visual representation of,2: 587
Sankofa,film, 2:587–589
Haile Gerima writer and director of,
Sankofa, concept and,2:587–588
spiritual possession, collective resistance
elements of,2: 588
Santeria, 2:589–593
achéenergy element of,2: 591
amulets and,1: 43
ancestral Dead importance in,2: 591
Ashe concept in,1: 75
“babalawo” high priest of,1: 87
Bata drums and,1: 111
beliefs of,2:591–592
bembeortoque de santocelebrations
and,2: 592
cabildo Afro-Catholic fraternities and,2: 589
Catholicism and,2: 589
852 Index