Encyclopedia of African Religion

(Elliott) #1

Mapungubwe settlement of,1:157–158
Matopo Hills shrines and,1:297–298,2: 581
mediums of,1: 421
mhondorolion spirits of,2: 616
Midsimu Mikurukuru ancestral spirits of,2: 446
monotheisticMwariGod of,2: 616
music of,1: 435
Musikawanhu’s dreams and,1: 220
Mutapa ruler of the nation of,1: 157
Mwari, Supreme God of,1: 49
patriarchal society of,2: 616
priestess Chapo, rain charms keeper and,1: 421
spirit world and natural world interrelated
and,1: 49
totems of,2: 667
twin beliefs of,2:676–677
umbilical cord tradition of,2: 682
vadzimuancestral spirits of,2: 616
Zambezi rebellions and,2: 569
Zimbabwe home of,1:157–158
See alsoNehanda
Shrines, 2:617
ancestor shrines in homes and,1: 36
Ausar shrine location and,1: 78
bosomfie, Abosom shrine house and,1: 4
form and location variations in,2: 617
Great Zimbabwe shrine and,1: 298
of Lugbara people,1:389–390
Matopo Hills shrines and,1:xxvi,
1:297–298,2: 581
meanings of,2: 617
priest of the Earth shrine and,1: 18
Shu, 2:617–619
air and,1:21–22,1:229,1:240–241,
1:294,2:558,2: 617
Amen, Amen-Ra and,2: 618
Atum and,2: 617
Ausar, Auset, Set, Neb-het and,2: 617
created at the beginning,2: 617
depictions of,2:617,2: 618
energies of the ancestors and,1: 22
environment protection by,1: 21
Great Ennead and,1:240–241
Heaven and Earth separated by,2:618,2: 619
Kemetyu creation myth and,2: 634
maintaining balance, protecting humans
and,1: 21
Tefnut, Geb, Nut and,1:294,2:617–619,
2:634,2: 651
textual references to,2: 617

Sierra Leone
Bassa people of,1: 109
Gola people of,1: 295
Igbo people of,1: 333
Mende people of,1:422,2: 449
names of God in,1: 290
Poro secret society, Temne people and,2:479,
Susu people of,2: 639
Temne people of,2: 653
umbilical cord and placenta traditions
in,2: 681
Vai people of,2: 685
Sky, 2:619–620
Christian and Islamic influences and,
Ra, the sun and,2: 619
sky and Earth creation duality and,2: 619
spirits, holistic balance, harmony concepts
and,2: 619
Smith, Edwin William,1: 13
Smith, Robert S.,2: 739
Snodgrass, Adrian,1:215,1: 218
Societies of secrets, 2:620–622
of Baga people,1: 88
of Bakota people,1: 92
of Bali people,1: 96
of Bamileke people,1: 102
Bondo Society and,1:133–135,2: 686
caste membership of,2: 621
collective wisdom secrecy and,2:620,2: 622
community harmony focus of,2: 620
death and rebirth process of,2: 621
of Duala people,1: 224
of Efik people,1: 2
of Fang people,1: 260
healing occupations and,1: 420
initiation rite of passage and,1:343,2:620–621
masks used in,2: 621
of Mende people,1:409,1: 423
Nyau society of Chewa and,1: 159
Ogboni society and,2:479–480
Okonko society of Igbo people and,2: 479
Poro Society and,2:409,2:423,2:479,2:532,
“sacred society” spiritual component
of,2: 621
of Senufo people,2: 605
See alsoEkpo secret society
Some, Malidoma,2:530–531

Index 855
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